One in five people in Australia now live within a strata community, yet strata is only just becoming understood as a specialist field within the property industry.

A strata property is very different from buying or selling a free-standing property, as every single strata development is completely unique and different from the next.

Each development has its own strata plan, which is a blueprint of what you own and what is considered common property or exclusive use.

A strata plan is very different from a building plan and can sometimes be complicated even for the most experienced strata manager. Therefore, it is important to seek the right advice when buying or selling a strata property.

Reading and understanding the strata company financials, bylaws, the ten-year plan, notices, and minutes of the latest AGM can be baffling unless you have a team of experts.

Strata is a maze of legislation and regulations that are difficult to interpret and understand unless you are dealing with someone who is experienced and specialized in this field.

This is why, when you sell your property, you want to be sure that your property is being promoted holistically and that the major benefits and features are properly marketed to potential buyers.

Too often, we hear of people buying properties without knowing about ten-year plan maintenance plans or reserve funds, only discovering these things for the first time.

The StrataCFM team consists of the best of the best—people who have been dealing with strata their whole lives and understand what is involved when selling and buying a specialist property.

Talk to us today about how we can help sell your strata property.